DAC 2021 Update
We have a lot of new development to share. However, we had to think long and hard about the trade-offs of participating at DAC in a time of uncertainty.
We have concluded that we can connect without having to meet face to face. Of course, we prefer to meet in person, but our best judgment tells us to wait. In the meantime, we can engage with you through Zoom calls, webinars, white papers and more.
On-Chip HBM ESD Simulation and Verification
ESDi-XL – New capabilities introduced in the last year include schematic based topological checks, built-in ERCs and core device over-stress checking. Using TLP data and thresholds defined by the user, ESDi-XL will analyze all pad to pad HBM discharge events. It uses extremely accurate extraction that easily handles complex shapes, and wide & thick metals. ESDi-XL offers a field view that shows the layout with overlays for current density, voltage and other simulation results. It can analyze for device overstress, current density, EM violations and more.
Power Transistor Modeling Suite for Device Simulation
PTM-XL – New capabilities include a 10X speed up in runtime to take on larger designs and get through analysis faster. Power devices are prevalent in many analog and mixed signal ICs and are used in voltage converter applications. Their operating characteristics often determine the final system power efficiency. The Rdson, thermal and transient characteristics of these devices are extremely important. Magwel offers silicon correlated high accuracy analysis for devices of all sizes that is within 1 or 2% of measurement. The PTM tools offer ease of set up & use, and excellent results viewing and reporting.
Power Distribution Network Integrity
RNi-XL – Improved meshing now provides for 100X faster Power Distribution Network resistance analysis.
We know you have been busy this last year, and so have we. Whether or not you are traveling to DAC in San Francisco in December, we’d like to talk to you further about our product development in the last year that can help solve your important design challenges. Our products and services continue to provide our customers with a unique competitive advantage that translates into increased margin.
While we are eager to meet with you – the leading semiconductor designers in the world – to talk about our most recent innovations, we have to balance this with concern for everyone’s safety and comfort. Over the last several years we have all become more adept at working and meeting remotely. Indeed, this is because of the fruits of all of our labor in helping to create internet infrastructure through innovative semiconductor devices. We have seen how resilient our industry is by the high level of continued innovation in new products despite all the new challenges.
The Magwel Team